I've become so Numb when there was No More Sorrow left in me.
I had to Bleed It Out when I turned my back on those who had their Hands Held High, screaming "help me!"
I've Given Up on those who lied to me saying that I'm "Not Alone".
What I've Done made me Leave Out All The Rest.
In The End, When They Come For Me, I will have Hit The Floor really hard because of their persistent arrogance.
I regretfully made them a part of my life, like a Papercut Crawling in my skin.
But despite my disdain for them, In Between all of this, we all know that Wretches & Kings rule us;
So We Made It to a point where we can speak our minds, and eliminate them.
The tyrannical leader that oversees them left us In Pieces;
She is The Catalyst to all of our problems.
It is time that we Wake up from our differences, and quit having the Little Things Give You Away.
I must embrace you all Pushing Me Away, because after everything,
I will be the one who implements the Blackout in your eyes.
I am simply Forgotten…