A laugh that crawls down your spine,
Wiggling your toes.
A laugh that makes your back hunch,
Tickling your nose.
A laugh that stains your cheeks
With salty drips.
A laugh that chills your thighs
Knees bend and dip.
A laugh erasing strain, worry, and stress.
Your laugh is a message of love and happiness.
Tell me your secret,
Just between you and me.
The cause of your grin,
What it shows. What it hides.
Like a rhino’s body,
Inside a neon-colored fish,
How you sustain your plagued skin,
How you push pass pain to resist.
Challenges faced outside and in;
Promise! Only you and I will know,
The source of your bliss.
Like a rainbow boldly strutting
Across a transparent sky.
Like a bird with open wings
Poised, ready to fly.
Like a bouquet of flowers
Filling a translucent vase.
Like a dancer with strong arms
Prancing on stage.
You've earned our applause
and heartfelt praise.
You’re an open-hearted dove, formed of love.
How did you get to be this way?
Did a fine fairy whisper brave words
into your heart one day?
Did a super sentinel hold you by the hand,
Telling you tall tales and proclaim
“You will and you can?”
Did a guardian angel fly you to an enchanted planet
That was formed with the rudiments of mercy, grace?
Did your parents sit and tell you, “You are truly cherished?”
It’s all in your face…unique, lovable, and fearless.