My Friend Jesus
I watch the water fall and I hear your call coming in.
I knew you as a friend and you taught lessons that'll last 'til the end of my sin.
We met in high school as young lost souls.
Though roughly the same age, we shared different goals.
I am now after a long break returning to school.
For much time now I've seemed rather the fool.
You spoke of my shadow and how it affects me.
You said I'm being watched and am not free.
The grey of your being looked out for the brown of mine.
I must tell you your lessons left me rather fine.
Most say F*cked up and Emotional, Insane, Neurotic.
I say Fantasic and Enthused, Insighted, No-Longer-Sick.
My spirit was dying and you showed me the light.
To be honest, you made me my own reason to fight.
My friend Tarzan or Susi Da'Son.
Jesus with your wisdom you might be the one.
We call for a return of Jesus of Nazrat.
It is funny how backwards Tarzan spells that.
The nickname you had back in the day.
We walked up and down our school, LBJ.
I'm 25 now and you 24.
I gained my wings because you helped me soar.
In the rain I feel most free indeed.
Life giving sustenance helps one be freed.
Each drop falls like a becon of energy.
I can feel a grand aura flowing around me.
I leave you with thank you's and peace of the greatest existent.
You'll never know what to me your friendship truly ment.