It Is Time
My life has crept so long on a broken wing
My dreams were shattered and my plans were ruined
Haunts of horror, hatred and fears.
My life is but a dark and mournful night
Endless voices of dishonesty and death
My life is dark as the darkest eclipse
But oh! break not, O loving heart
Let it be a dream or a sorrowful nightmare
Wake up and rise in thy bed of tears
embrace the hope and open thy heart
Hear those loyal voices shouting for a peace of mind
Let thyself be fame and conquer victory
Let it go, let it be free and be you
It is time, It is time, O passionate heart
To be grateful, pure and true
It is time, It is time, O passionate heart
That old misery and broken dreams should die
It is time, it is time, O passionate heart
To forgive and forget
Save thyself and run
Let it go or stay, so I wake to the higher aims
Of a soul that is lost for a little her lust of gold
And love of peace that was full of wrongs and shames
Horrible, hateful, monstrous, not be told
I have proved, I have a heart in cause
and myself has awakened, as it seem to be better mind
I embrace the purpose of God and let go of fears.
It is time, it is time to change and be truly free.