If I Fell

In the beginning, I was wary of pain.
But as the days went by I thought I'd be okay.

For a while, everything seemed like a dream.
It felt like love and it was happening to me.

Two years later, we have come to the end.
There is a fork in the road that is too wide to hold hands.

Like people in a crowded hallway,
Life got in between us, and there's nothing to say.

But you drag it out, won't leave me alone
Why can't you just accept the fact I've moved on?

I never thought you'd turn into the person you've become.
I am honestly starting to think making me cry is fun.

I feel so completely dissappointed in myself,
For being so stupid and saying I'd love you above all else.

Nothing is forever, that's a lesson I learned.
Yet I fell in the fire and now I've been burned.

The burns have began to heal.
I'm starting to be happy, depsite the pain I feel.

Pain for the betrayal of my heart
Slowly starts to numb, which keeps me from falling apart.

But I don't know how my heart would survive if there were another attack.
So my mind steps in, trying to watch my back.

This is no easy task, for my heart likes to roam
Constantly searching, striving, wishing for a home.

If I fell in love, would the pain feel the same?
Does every relationship always end this way?

I guess since I'm a teenager, I'm expecting too much.
I have too high of an expectation for this word called love.

Nothing is forever, I expect that much is true.
People grow up and move away and forget about..who?

I don't want to be in that situation again.
I don't want the talk, "oh we can just be friends"

I no longer know what my future will hold, where I will be.
But for now if I fell, at least I'll be happy.


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