Tuned Out


United States
40° 40' 4.5948" N, 73° 45' 13.212" W

The day I was born should have been the best day for my mom
A bundle of joy I was
as my father told me.
But as I grew,
It didn’t seem to be true
I never felt wanted by her
Nor secure
The good times were there
But far and in between
The negative words
The anger and neglect
brought on nightmares in the night.
No comfort, no care
I received from her
But I thank God my dad was there.
Today she has left to start her new life
No care or concern
Not even a goodbye
When she sees us
She doesn’t say hello
She walks by us as someone she doesn’t know.
Is this my mother I ask myself
Is this a mother
supposed to be there.
Thank God for my dad
And his blessings within
I pray for my mother
I pray for her soul
I pray for her mind also
May God bring her to her rightful sense
Knowing that we need her to the end.


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