Windup Doll

Mon, 11/12/2012 - 19:33 -- aekrol


United States
42° 37' 33.1644" N, 73° 6' 40.8816" W

Sitting on the shelf
Without a key
He came along
And decided to play with me
He took me down
And dusted me clean
Put the key in my back
Wound me up to be seen
I danced for him
My little dance
But I guess it wasn’t enough
I needed another chance
He took out the key
And put me back on the shelf
I decided it was time
To change myself
I changed my dance
Because mine wasn’t good
And he took me back down
Just like I wished he would
But he didn’t like this dance either
And I didn’t want to change
But somehow I transformed anyway
My whole life rearranged
So this pattern continued
And I would try to impress
For whenever he put that key in my back
I tried to dance my best
Now years later
My paint has been chipped
My gears worn down
A good life I have been jipped
Yet he continued play
I was worn down to my last bit
But he didn’t notice
And I had, had enough of it
He told me to dance
And put the key in my back
But I could not dance any longer
I had too many cracks
He put me back on the shelf
To let dust collect
He broke his little doll
What did he expect?
He threw her in the trash
Now put away from it all
Lay the key and the broken pieces
To this little windup doll


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