
When people freak out over the little things
When they speak without thinking about the words
That they spew from their gaping mouths
I cannot help myself but stare at them in wonder
It’s like looking into the face of pure idiocy.
People running their mouths about things they know nothing about
Yelling their views to people just as ignorant
Can’t they hear how stupid they sound?
If they had a mirror and could see their faces
The red of fury that doesn’t belong
Foam at the mouth, glaze over their eyes
Would they be just as shocked as the rest of us?
Or would they stay clueless and stand behind make believe values?
How can people sit there and believe lies
When the facts are right in front of them?
How can they think one thing and agree with the opposite belief?
If they would take a minute and think about the words,
Those words they speak every day,
Would they realize how wrong they are?
Or would it make no difference at all?
If we train children when they are young
To think about things that no one now thinks about,
Like patriotism or finishing a project early,
Would they be better off or would it make no difference?
Speaking words of wisdom instead of the first thing that touches their tongue
Those kids who just don’t care about anything but themselves,
Those are the kids who start wars, who murder other people for their own benefit.
Those kids who have no patriotism,
They are the ones who will grow up to be nothing.
Can’t they see what they need to learn to think for themselves?
Why is it that those parents don’t teach their children,
Their own flesh and blood what is really important?
If we don’t speak up now
If this next generation just doesn’t care,
Doesn’t show that they do have a voice and that they do care,
Then we will crumble into ashes to be swept away by those who do.


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