I'm Dying, I'm Dying



I'm dying, I'm dying

I can't tell a lie

Just waking up is getting rough

I'm staring death in the eye

Because it's over, it's over

I know that it is

It's not a positive thought

But I’m not willing to live

With this destruction, this destruction

A function of fools

Removing God from the public

So that these devils can rule

You see they're greedy, they're greedy

They're holding us back

And now we're starving like Marvin

And riding hunger to death

But we aren’t breaking, not breaking

We're standing up tall

But, they've got all the juice

In the end we will fall

We’re, getting louder, and louder

Not willing to budge

They want to keep it on the down-low

Sweep us under the rug

But we aren’t dealing, not dealing

To hell with their plans

We aren’t kissing no one's hinny

I rather die like a man

 So, let's do this, let's do this

I'm ready to ball

This isn’t survival of the fittest

Death is stalking us all

But see the point is, the point is

I'm ready to roast

Not on my own, and not alone

But with my foot on their throats

Because I'm dying, I'm dying

I can't tell a lie

Just waking up is getting rough

I'm staring death in the eye

And yes it's over, it's over

I know that it is

It's not a positive thought

But that's the way that I feel

This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world


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