That Moment

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

My heartbeat races.

Darkness is all I can see

when suddenly the sole strand of light hits me,

harder than a punch to the gut


Time is seemingly still.

The world is listening, waiting, leaning on the edge of their seats.

Its up to me.

I make it or break it.


One last breath settles my overwhelming fear,

and with the greatest courage, I dare to speak


With the first words I utter, I feel as though I won't make it through

I will quit,

run off the stage before I can finish,

I will be the girl that couldn't handle the pressure.

I will be the "at least you weren't her" girl

who every parent will use as the pep talk for their anxious child about to take the stage


I dare to look out at the audience

and penetrating the fourth wall I can see their expression,

their reaction to my every word


And as I continue on

I begin to see how each word has a different impact on every person who hears them.

some reflect

some nod in agreement

some grin with acknowledgement 


Now, it has all paid off.

the hard work

the rehersals

the tears

the writer's block

the hours of memorization

every step that has lead up to this point is all worth it.


I write for that moment.

That comforting moment when I know it will be more than okay.

When I know that my speech will have an impact.

When I can tell my words are making a difference.

When the world goes still to listen.

I write for that.



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