To My Lover
Because you love me,
You will find comfort in my arms
When the world outside shifts to dark.
I will kiss open your sealed eyes
When this earth becomes too vast for you to hold
And I will show you, so fearlessly, the wonderous beauty of this land.
Because you love me,
You will hold my heart and my soul
In the palms of your open hands.
I will be the butterfly wings, so fragile and
Sometimes weak
And you will be the body, holding me to sanity
And serenity.
Because you love me,
You will let me be the wind
And you will watch me soar, and sometimes fall.
I will be foolish, still
You will laugh and show me how to laugh
And you will pick me up, brush me off, and open your hands again.
Because I love you,
I will cradle your soul and your heart
And I will open your curtains and show you light.
You will let me be who I am
And although I will leap from your hands and journey,
Know that my heart has settled with you, and will forever be with you.
Because I love you,
I will be as patient as the sky
Waiting for you, my sun, to rise.
I will hold you like you hold me
Without strings or ropes or bells
And instead with a mutual agreement of togetherness.
Because I love you,
Because I love you,