The Pea Does Not Define Me.
Once Upon A Time
A prince too desperate in need
Used a little green pea
To define who he thought I should be
Soaking wet on a stormy night
I looked for a place to stay
In the corner of my eye
I saw a sign: Free shelter come right this way
I was greeted by a handsome gent
But I thought, there's more than meets the eye
While observing this wonderful man
He kindly welcomed me inside
A elderly woman made her way in
She resembled the gent almost like twins
A few words spoken to each other
I quickly discovered this was his mother
I informed the two that I was royalty
The look on their faces did not show belief
But with a quick gesture I was told
Come right this way and we shall see
Upon my eyes in disbelief
Here lies a bed as big as me
20 mattresses is more than enough
I must climb a ladder just to get up
As I reached the top I laid down
Instantly felt a huge pain in my back
I tossed and turned all night
It felt as if something was in this huge stack
To get my mind off this pain
The handsome gent popped into my brain
I dreamed of what person he could be
Is he deep and thoughtful just like me
Before I knew it I saw the sunrise
Eating breakfast was the first thing in mind
I made my way down to the kitchen
There was the gent and his mother
They asked me how was my sleep
I said I was up all night tossing and turning
I described the bad pain in my back
The mother screamed and made her way to the door
She came back with a pea in her hand
Saying only a real princess would understand
Quickly the gent revealed he was a prince
He asked me to be his bride
Saying only a real princess would feel the pea
He had no choice but to marry me
Other women did not fit his taste
Too fat, or ugly, a big disgrace
But who's to say I want to marry you
Using a test like that's no proof
What does a pea really define?
Actions like that show me that you aren’t my kind
I am a beautiful dark skinned woman
I will not let a test my life define
I will not marry you prince; I’ll never be your wife
I have more to offer than what you think
There are women with great personalities
But you would rather have looks and sensitivity
Your mother agreeing with this just makes me shake
To be saddled with a soulless prince would be a great mistake
I hope you two have learned your lesson
Women everywhere are all a blessing
I wish you well in your search
But i am not the one that you deserve
Next time I hope you will think
Women have much more to offer than your shallow needs demand
So that being said I hope you see
A pea does not define me.