The Greatest Wizard Of All Time
The Greatest Wizard Of All Time You got the old fashion and pointed half moon hat, a starburst costume to wear perfectly, he grown his scruffy and puffy beard very thick and long all the way down gracefully indeed, he also wears his antique sandals to walk on, he can use his empowered hands and wands of magic, he takes one or two and three strange spells coming through his fingertips everywhere In the universe, he becomes the legend himself alone, he got the world famous name of all time, Merlin who conquered his land to cast the boldly classic spells by king Arthur himself before, he use It handily and kind, he check many of mind of love tricks under his sleeves nonstop action to satisfaction, he believes the world between his toes and hands to create the magic he dreams of, It could be methodical moment, the greatest power to imagine of his people In a far out country Written byMichael James Brindley8-27-17