A Suicide Of Mental Health
What happens when you
Don’t know what do?
When you’re so confused,
You can’t even think?
Can’t connect, can’t even link,
Because you know if you do,
You’ll push yourself to the brink,
Thinking how can you get through,
When all you really want to do,
Is crumble onto the floor
Into a world of less and
Out of this world of more:
More comfort, more pain,
Understanding again
That that’s all you’ll ever gain,
So you sit in your room,
Curled up in your bed,
Wondering how you got room,
For all the lies in your head
More deadly than most,
Googling pills on overdose,
Because, hell:
Wouldn’t it be nice to be comatose?
So, you buy a few clean,
Next to nothing on the shelf,
Shell out a couple green,
And head out by yourself,
When you get a phone call from your mother,
And it’s her:
The reason you say thank you,
The reason you say please,
The way you dot your i’s
And the way you cross your t’s.
She was there for you when no one ever was,
And you love her more than ever because
You know better than to let go,
To think you had no say, no
She taught you to keep your head down,
Head up, No frown,
Brown eyes to the ground,
Because all the world’s wealth,
Can’t save you from your soul’s
Last murmur,
When you finally confess
To murder:
A suicide of mental health