3.8 Centimeters
I will never be good enough for you
At the first line of this, most people think this is gonna be about
An ex significant other
Or someone who I wish I could be with
But it's not
This is about seeing nothing but
Disappointment and anger burn crimson in
The eyes of the person who was meant to raise me to do
Great things
Raise me to conquer this life that I've been given
Raise me to be the very best I can be at
Whatever it is I love doing
Instead he raised me to hate what I create with
My hands and my heart
To get used to the 10 ton weight on my chest
And that crying to relieve the pressure would mean
I'm weak
To take on failure as my #1 fear
And then get a rush from telling me that
I will never succeed
He likes to tell me that I am awful at doing the things that
Make me happy
Should I quit then?
Because if I quit every time someone told me I was bad at something-
Something that makes each of my steps a little lighter
And my head a little clearer
Then I would've quit a thousand times over
And each of those times would've been because of you
But guess what?
I paint mountains and trees that bring people to peace
And I write poems that bring people to careful contemplation
And I write and play songs that bring people to tears of sadness and joy
I am the Moon
And I may appear small in comparison to you
But I shift your tides
My pull slows your rotation ever so slightly
But the energy you lose from taking the time to tell me
I only screw things up
I get exactly 3.8 centimeters further from you