I create this for honesty
I don’t understand,
What i can withstand,
Is you on the line,
Of being blind,
Because what you can’t see,
Is what I take a knee for,
Because your a whore for attention,
But what about the people who have depression,
Where’s their attention,
We’re filled regression,
But no retention,
I can’t stand it when you put me down,
Because all i see are frowns,
Because of the fucking clown you are,
I wish i was far,
Far from you,
Because you’re not true,
True to me or you,
I can’t take my life,
Because i have to live with the strife,
Strife of pain without gain,
Glory with no story,
But the reason i’m still alive,
Is not because of you,
But because you know who,
My sister,
She’s leaves me a blister,
A blister of the mighty love,
Which you have none of,
Sorry, but that’s just how it is honey!