Am I Thankful?
I've taken many things for granted
Being alive is one of them
I'm an early 20s-year-old college student
fighting signs of ADD, anxiety, and depression
I've self-harmed, picked at my skin
Even wished I was dead.
Am I Thankful?
No, I'm selfish
I take my life for granted and wish
that I was no longer here
Yet death is one of my biggest fears
Who would miss me when I'm gone?
Am I Thankful?
I'm an adult
I indulge
in the finer things
like wine and alcohol
I suffer from mood swings
But am I thankful for any of these?!
I think life as more or less a show
you gotta show up or ship out
Yet, that's not what life is about
Am I Thankful?
I've focused a lot on negatives
Now let's focus on positives
Am I Thankful?
There are many things
I take for granted
But I'm thankful for the chances I've had
I've come near death many times you see
I'm thankful to be alive
I'm thankful for my loving friends and family
Without these people in my life
I don't know if I could survive
I keep my loved ones close to me heart
Nothing but death can tear us apart
And because of them
I can proudly say
Am I Thankful?
Yes, I am.
For each and every day.