The Supreme Court has ruled that it is legal to discriminate against people with dreadlocs
"It's not a race thing" they said, "It just tends to get messy."
Heinous acts against others,
no matter the amount of melanin your skin contains,
should be treated the same
but when asked why a white swimmer is to be held to a lower standard
than a black football player
you can't answer me,
because that would be white priveledge
and it's not a race thing, it just tends to be messy
When asked by little brown children
why they don't care about us
and why our bodies are as common as roadkill
but less valuable than dust
you seem to struggle finding an answer for us
cause those can be pesky
and it's not a race thing,
it just tends to get messy
When asked why they shout "All Lives Matter"
to drown out the splatter
of broken tail lights, loud music, skittles and tea
Jaywalking, being black, reaching for your license
and Cds
you seem to struggle finding an answer for me
shouting and rioting is not what we planned to do,
but what else is there?
when your oppressors are the only ones to complain to
we've been resilient since the last whip sounded
you tossed us molehills and we've built mountains
how we haven't lost our minds still astounds us
cause we never talk about the race thing
it just tends to stay messy
Then we're forced to study America's "founders"
who promoted our extention
reading my textbook
I wonder why
Angela Davis
Huey Newton
and Malcom X are missin'
and they're more American than half the appliances in our kitchens
it seems there's a gap here
a lapse in stitchin'
you tried to to bury our history
like you did the natives
The Indians
you honor our oppressors
and from that I guess you recieve our divideneds
you're ignoring the restless nation,
how it can't sleep
you keep shoving Columbus down our throats when we still can't breathe
you try to sepereate us
tell us our struggles are make believe
because you know the only way to kill Adam
is to hurt Eve
I see these things in color
and you dare to tell me,
it's not a race thing
So why am I making it messy?