Into the light
These words, never heard, never spoken aloud, never sung, only written
Only understood by those who are struggling to keep their dreams alive
Those who have one arm chained to the ground, the other free and reaching
Their doors and windows slammed shut
But when opportunity comes, a bit of light peeks through
And again, one arm is chained, the other free and reaching
I live and write to express my determination, as well as the determination of others
Those whose lips are taped with the constraints of society
Strained by the dollars we do not have
Burdened by expectations and status
For those whose arms are tired, and whose wrists are bruised from trying to break free
To be in the light is their goal as well as mine
Away from darkness
Where the sun shines
And where people recognize them for who they are and what they’ve overcome
For the values they have kept
Away from darkness the chains loosen
I am now able to express myself
The words that I’ve kept in my now empty drawer
I am no longer scared of judgment
I no longer blame myself for the things that have happened
I know I am a good person
I can now speak of my life
The life that remained hidden, a life that was misinterpreted as perfect
A life where a home was never permanent, and almost lost
A family separated, but coming together
A life in which addiction was a curse
Where safety was compromised
And where many tears were shed
Where things were broken and thrown
My chains no longer burden me
I am free
I have begun my journey into the light
Where I hope many will follow