
By my friends I’ve been given

the title of the procrastination queen.

Though the car I haven’t driven,

And homework that I’ve seen

The night before it’s due cannot compare to this.


Eighteen years old and ashamed to say

I have no license, job, or clue.

This doesn’t matter as I know in May,

I’ll have to know what to do

About a college, a career, and the rest of my life.


This year has gone by so fast

And I hope I’ve prepared as much as I can.

I’ve been thinking about college for much of my past,

But I started to apply to colleges much later than

I should have, but I thought I had more time.


Now the clock is ticking away,

Due dates are approaching soon.

Luckily last October I found a day,

To focus on college all afternoon

And many days a week after that this past year.


I’ve applied to a few colleges so far,

And many scholarships every week.

I know the door to college is ajar,

But getting there is making me weak,

With the torture of fearing my rejection letters.


I studied and took the standardized tests,

And I’ve focused a lot in my classes at school.

Every month last year should have had no rest,

Looking for colleges; I’ll admit I’m a fool,

Though at least I started before it was too late,

And never again will I procrastinate.

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