Soaked in Paint
As I sit, soaked in paint
dripping on the office chairs
I think about how I got here
If it hadn’t been for that math problem
See, they called me from the room
told me, you’ve been checked out, you’re leaving early
but I had been in the middle
of that math problem
Stuffed papers back in folders
got my notebooks tucked away
but that math problem
kept lingering
I’d been about to square root
both sides of the equation
and then, of course, the intercom
interrupted all my thoughts
But that math problem couldn’t be
put away like my binder
It dawdled in my brain
saying here I am, now solve me!
but I don’t have time, I have to go
It shoved itself from memory
in front of my eyes,
triumphant, now you have to solve me!
So I wandered down the hall
moving numbers in my mind
And I didn’t see the ladder
the real life ladder hidden by imaginary numbers
set up beside the mural
And the equation screeched at me,
you’ve almost got x equals!
So I took a spin, a trip, smacked
right into that ladder
Mayday, Mayday - the person at the top - but
they were saved.
The paint was not.
Twin streams of yellow and red
spattered down like Martian rain
washing the equation from my eyes
As I stood sputtering and spitting
trying to stammer my apologies
through the paint dripping down my face
the math problem laughed, saying, too late,
and I squelched off to the office
leaving orange footprints behind me.
And of course the lady behind
the desk - oh my goodness, are you ok?
and the principal - what happened?
and the counselor - may I offer you a napkin?
all gawked and stared
at my stiffly drying hair.
It was math, I said, by way of explanation
and sat down squishily on the office chair
And so I sat, dripping paint
because that little x equals
couldn’t leave me alone.