I Am


United States
40° 29' 7.314" N, 105° 14' 34.386" W

Her hair is greying at an alarming rate
Every now and then, she looks at her face
aghast to see the new wrinkles that have appeared
Her eyes tell a story
that should never have to be told
Gravity is merciless
as it pulls us back into the earth

As she peers from the inside out
she sees the world ever changing
and not always to the benefit of mankind
Everyone seeming to be so perfect
With high tech software to make any flaws disappear
and surgical intervention
A high price to pay for self-worth
She wonders if this is a really what the world has come to?
A new race of super-beings
Or is it pseudo-beings?

She is imperfect in every way
just like a raw diamond
Just a lump of carbon
With the proper care and polish
it becomes perfect
Its possibilities are only discernible
to those with a keen eye

A raw diamond cares not
what the world thinks of it
It just IS...

...But to those with open eyes
it is priceless...


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