Losing Myself

To me, you are truly happy when you lose yourself.

In what you love.

Wtih who you love.

But it's all about being gone, to a place where the average day has no impact.

Where the troubles can't find you.

I lose myself in thought.

And I find myself in my own mind.

Going to places I've never been, or will ever be.

Because to lose myself, I have to stop thnking about the worries of everyday.

Or the worries of every once in a while, or the worries of sometimes.

There are sometimes cracks, smaller than my mind can see.

And the worries get in, and they alter my images. 

But your mind is stronger than what befalls you, so I just travel a little deeper

into the maze.

I'm lost but I know where I am, I am somewhere that's of my own.

I cannot stay forever, but I don't need forever.

Just those moments.

This poem is about: 
