A Woman


United States
42° 22' 43.464" N, 83° 11' 49.3836" W

A Woman
By Antoinette Wellons
A woman who was born to do great things.
A woman who sacrifices for her family.
A woman who works hard to make a dollar.
A woman who loves unconditionally.
A woman who provides.
A woman who spreads peace when there is no peace.
A woman who claims her blessings.
A woman who gives all praises to God no matter what
A woman who is independent.
A woman who has a sound mind.
A woman who never ever turns her back on no one.
A woman who displays her talents to the world.
A woman who thinks about other people and not just herself.
A woman who looks gorgeous everywhere she goes.
A woman that believes in herself when no one else does.
A woman who is not afraid to say what's on her mind.
A woman who gives to her children.
A woman whose mind, body, and soul are protected by God Almighty
This is the type of woman I want to be.
This is a real woman.


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