It was the Day

It was the day she could finally spend the day in the pool again, her scars had healed.

It was the day I  reconnected with God, I walked to the stand and felt his hand in my life.

It was the day I realized I loved him, more than I intendeded yet, he didn't.

It was the day I looked at my reflection and understood I didn't cherish myself.

It was the day I sang for him, after he left the earth and his soul remained in the room.

It was the day I couldn't speak to my father the same way.

It was the day I won, and  the school knew my name.

I can't live without these memories, they made me feel alive, they made me who I am now.

Without these I wouldn't have a story to tell or a lesson to instill.

It was the day, when everything made sense.   







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