
United States
34° 58' 12.954" N, 89° 13' 39.7308" W

When it rains it fills the night
Destroying dreams, taking lives
Screams here, a last breathes there

When it rains, my face is wet with
Tears from the hurt and pain of all these year
Sobs here, morns there

When it rains past tears flood in
Filling the room crashing hard like a
Wave over me
A drip here, a drop there

When it rains it pours filling the
House like the sea washing ashore
My lost treasures, taking away my broken dreams

But at the end of the rain,
At the peck of the silence, the
Sun breaks through the clouds
Driving away all my pain and tears



THis poem reminds me a lot of a the heartbreaking moments where one can cry and look outside to find it raining; as if the world were crying with you. And growing up, for me, that had made it more comforting and made me feel okay to cry. The message in this piece is amazing and is depicted beautifully. For some symmetry adding another stanza of what the world looks like after the rain may make it something more, but it is just a suggestion, because this piece is lovely as it is. Thank you so much for sending this in.


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