The Pain of an Ex
Yes, you hurt me again
Yes,you cut me to my soul
And yes, it still hurts sometimes
You are right you were my first love but you were also my first heartbreak
They say you never forget your first love
And they were right I never forgot how you hurt me
I never forgot what you did to me
But I've moved on
I never forgot the tears I shed
Im no longer blinded by lies, chained by fears, or controlled by hurt
I'm guided by my heart, it led me to the love of my life
I never thought i would love again but i did now i love stronger i love harder
Thank you
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I love the way you wrote this and I love the fact that you are almost seems like you are writing it to your Ex. It is true you never forget your first love, and normally they almost all end in heartbreak. But that's how first loves are. i'm so happy to know that you have found love again and did not give up. I think it is very commendable that you were able to use your last rrelationship as a lesson and use it to make you a better person. Good luck with love, and stay in love with love.