Twinkles of Success

It sparkles like the view of the vivid stars at night
It shines as bright as the days sunlight
It gives me the courage to stand alone
It assures me that I can do this on my own
It makes me want to live faithfully and receive life's blessings
It reminds me that life's struggle's don't last always
It glares so brilliantly that I have began to soar above my surroundings in its direction
Its success and I can just feel it
I am walking into your bright light




What a great idea! You wrote a poem about travelling to success. You gave success an image which is an awesome approach because as I was reading your poem, I was able to visualize walking towards the 'light' of success; I was able to imagine success' warmth when you compared it to the sunlight.

What if you took this poem one step further, though?

What does success mean to YOU? Maybe you're on a beach in the Bahamas or writing poetry in a quiet house by a lake? Or are you on Wall Street managing businesses and trading stocks? Whatever your idea of success is, tell the reader! Describe what YOUR success looks like!

Many people say that visualization is the first step to achievement. Could it be that you creating a concise image of exactly what you want and mix it with your ambition plus emotion, you will actually be practicing the timeless principle of Creative Visualization?

Give it a try!

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