Ode to TBoy

Sun, 10/21/2012 - 23:48 -- DaLuna


United States
40° 15' 18.4896" N, 76° 51' 27.6552" W

But his beat still lives on
Inside us
It’s terrible how tragedy
A damn near catastrophe
So unexpectedly
Hits us
And now we're forced to sit and deal
With our stupidity
But why?
Such a harmless soul
Making his gold
The one true epitome
Of Gods Son
So while we wait
To see his face
On Judgment Day
When God comes down
To open up the pearly white gates
Do not let his death be a waste
By focusing on sadness, rage, and hate
But remember the legacy he left behind
Live life to the fullest
Inspire others
And give yourself for the ones you love
~R.I.P TBoy~


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