My Life

Sun, 10/21/2012 - 22:02 -- KioteC


United States
32° 59' 11.1192" N, 117° 13' 35.2452" W

Like dancing melodies in the air rain pours down, covering the earth in a blanket of life.
One raindrop falls off of its perch on a rose pedal moving to glisten angelically on my finger tip.
The wind tastes like freedom of a birds wing, feathers the freedom of thought.
The beautiful sway of sunlight reflecting off of the water is so tranquil, I hold my breath.
I let out my breath as the frost forms on the trees, my breath creates a cloud of warmth surrounding me lovingly.
The snow shimmers and shines in the afternoon sun, blindingly beautiful.
A fire burns in the heart of the house, the hearth of the house, flames flickering.
It creates a homey glow, casting shadows of hope, remembering memories so sweet, it warms us all.
We gather together, sitting and listening to stories of old, holding eachothers hands, connection.
Love is in the air, family, friends, a part of me, a part of life.
I sit in a circle of friends at lunch, laughing with pure peace.
I travel to a mountain, with new friends, surrounded by trees, so much promise.
Making it to the top, I find a river sloshing happily along the glowing rocks.
I find a seat below a branch with a bird lazily singing its evening song to the trees.
As I sit and listen to life around me, I appreciate the one I was given.
I may not be perfect, but I can still dance in the rain.
I may not be perfect, but the wind still pulls me onward.
I may not be perfect, but the snow still falls slowly blanketing the world.
I may not be perfect, but the world is still my inpiration.
I may not be perfect, but this is the way I was made.
This way I would never trade.
This is the way I will stay.


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