Dear Soldiers
Dear Soldiers,
You Are The True Definiton Of Loyalty To Our Nation...
They May Have A Flag In Their Yard But Serving It Becomes Your Lifestyle...
You Constantly Are Put In The Way Of Danger And Hatred...
To Keep Us, Your Fellow Citizens, Safe From The Side Of The World That Is Hostile...
Soldiers Of Our Beloved United States Of America...
Everyone Can't Face The World && Balance Fear And Strength As You Have Done...
If Your Loved Ones Don't, Many Others Acknowledge Your Heroic Deeds...
I Know Your Honored By All 44 Presidents, From Obama Back To George Washington...
I Greatly Appreciate Your Courageous Heart And Integrity...
I Love All Of You, Men & Women of War for Peace And Equality...
I'll Love You When Your A Veteran && Hopefully Won't See Any Early Goodbyes...
Dear Soldiers... Thank You So Much!! Everyone Isn't Willing To Put Their Life On The Line For Rights In Our Country...
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This poem was amazing and I love how you are showing your gratitude. Though one specific line was making me uncertain "from the side that is hostile." I'm not sure how many other people would feel about that, and to some it may seem a bit offensive. More often than not wars have started for other reasons than brutality and at the expense of others. So maybe revising that one line will be a bit better for everyone. Perhaps an idea I would suggest is changing the stanza to:
"To Keep Us, Your Fellow Citizens, Safe Even From The Other Side Of The World..."
Something along those lines. It is just a suggestion. Otherwise this poem was beautiul. As a family member of an armed force soilder I would like to thank you for writing this and sharing it.