I am Chicana
A box
A box is what I have been put in
Or at least they have tried.
They have tried to stuff me in,
Squeeze me,
Tape the box completely shut
But I will NEVER fit!
Because I am Chicana.
Do you understand what that means?
I am Mexican
And American.
I am part of two worlds
That should never exist.
I am too white for Mexicans
“Tu eres gringa”
And too brown for Americans.
“You wetback.”
So in the world that is black and white
I am put in the gray.
Nowhere to be found,
Lost, looking for who I am
In a cycle that sadly never ends.
But what hurts the most
Is that I have been
Stripped of my native tongue
Because of others decisions.
My grandfather was poor
Ashamed of his culture
Tortillas and mariachi
Quinceneras y family
Was nothing.
He wanted to be white
And live off
The white supremacy
That has thrived in our history.
So he buried our culture
Ten feet under
Hoping we would never ask
Why our skin was brown
And our hair was black
Why we would never fit in.
But I knew I wasn’t “white”
Because I never thrived off the
White supremacy
That exists in society
Although everyone else claimed I did.
MY own people
My ancestry
Looked down upon me
Because I wasn’t from the native country.
I was born in the U.S.
Not the other side of the border
That separates my two nationalities.
I wasn’t considered Mexican
Because I wasn’t from
Chihuahua or Juarez.
But the pigment of my skin
Prevented me
From benefiting
Off the everlasting reign of
White supremacy.
I have been left with nothing.
I’ve been dehumanized.
Stripped of my culture.
Stripped of an entire language.
Because of one decision
That I didn’t make.
IM struggling to know who I am
When each side of the border
Tells me I’m more one than the other.
Im walking a fine line
Between two cultures
That cannot co-aside
With one another.
They are fighting a war
And I am in the middle
Trying to decide what side I am on
But I can’t because
Mexican blood runs through my veins
While American Philosophy fills my brain.
I’m exploding.
Every part of me is on each side
Each part too stubborn to move
To the other, but tired of fighting.
A constant war with myself
That will never end.
A box
A box is what I have been put in
Or at least they have tried.
They have tried to stuff me in,
Squeeze me,
Tape the box completely shut
But I will NEVER fit!
Because I am Chicana.