As you take the chance

As you take the chance to realize what lie's in between the eye's of a person ,what lies in a person's heart , what lies in between a persons soul.Could you really tell that a person has been depressed? covering up tears of a broken bone ,covering the pain and the shame that is beneath the cries that one child sheds. Is it right to judge another because yup aren't comfortable in your own skin? What gives you the right to beat up on people's personalities, bringing them down with your insecurities,being full with anger having no one to torture but the one ..your attacking now. Instead of trying to ruin people's lives ,worry about yourself and get some help for your own problems instead of lashing out on others. sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt ..well words hurt alot ...more than getting punched in the face or anything else that hurts . just think what if that what was you someone bringing you down everyday not caring what you have to say? self esteem issues , getting taken advantage of/ whether its you or anybody else he/she its not fair for them to suffer consequences of someone who barely cares or knows you..Its not fair for what you do to them in the long run..


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