As awesome as they come
I'm as as awesome as they come
I don't mean to be to a brag
But I made it through everything in life
Even when I didn't receiver a bag and a tag
I made it through being called a loner and a weirdo
Many sleepless nights
Feeling Ugly because my teeth went out further than my mouth
I made it through being played my boys
Torn down by peoples words
The same words that made me strong
Therefore I am as awesome as they come
I learned how not to left words effect my level of energy
Because God's thoughts of me are the ones who truly held they key
I refused to be a failure like people thought I'd be
I used people not liking me as a way to suceed
I refused to focus on what I didn't have
Instead I focused on what mattered and what still matters today
Like my talent
and determination
I am as awesome as they come because when people follow crowds I chase the sun
keeping God first
Because following my dreams and pleasing my heavenly father is the goal
I am as awesome as they come because I don't let no one stop me
Or people words tropple me
I continue to do what I love because one day I'll be good
Michael Jordan wasn't always the best player on the team
He had to work hard and sweat to become the basketball king
I am as awesome as they come because I continue to follow my dreams
knowing that one day I'll suceed
No one can stop me
Because I follow after God's lead