Toxicities of life

I get put down, i get torn up
This world goes on and noone cares
Kinda makes you wonder why take it anymore
The toxicities of life just runnin through your head

The heart burning like a fiery fire
Its not passion though, its pain
You scream and cry
You just think its time to die

This pain wont cease, no it just wont leave
You laugh and joke, thats because you dont know
The pain i go through, this pain that you never knew
It chills to the bone, leaves you shivering but not cold

I wanna laugh, i wanna play
I just cant with this poison in me everyday
it just tears me apart, as if to rip out my heart
The pain you cause its just to much

Wanna leave, just let go
I cant leave now i dont know how
Release these chains, along with this pain
Now i know its time to go
To leave this life and the toxicities with it

Caleb Carrasco- toxicities of life



The use of the word "toxicity" is put to good use here, as the word "toxic" has more specific connotations that the word "bad" or "painful." "Toxicity" calls hazardous chemicals to the mind, a certain noncompatibility with normal or natural settings--a toxic situation, then, is hazardous to one's essential composition, one's very soul. Strong use of the word.

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