
Today I was born
But I was born in the wrong body
And with the wrong name.

Today was my first day of school
But I’m dressed in the wrong uniform
And forced to be someone I’m not.

Today I went into the bathroom
But I went to the “wrong” one
And I have the bruises to show it.

Today I dressed as the gender I really am
But I was forced to change yet again because
“We don’t want to give people the wrong impression.”

Today the kids in school made fun of me,
Calling me horrible names
That made me want to die inside.

Today my parents made me go to therapy
Because they wanted to “fix me”
So I wouldn’t go to hell.

Today I felt so horrible about who I am I cried,
I hurt myself, got an idea,
And began to write my story, my end.

And today,
Today I was buried
With the wrong name on my gravestone.


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