Endless Love


United States
32° 28' 24.8376" N, 93° 49' 47.6796" W

The memories flow through my mind
He's the one I'm dreaming of
Every scar reminds me of him
Every bruise is a symbol of his so called love
But until I met someone new
I kept on going back for more
Heartache and pain were on the agenda
Death was knocking on my door...

Then I met my true love
I finally rose above
All the pain all the sorrow
Now I can live again

So when I said I love you
You can believe its true
Cause all the pain Ive felt before
I do not feel when Im with you
You are my everything
When I say Amor Siempre, I mean
That forever I'll love you



thank you so much and i will :)

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