Maybe this life is something beautiful

I am beautiful because the world around me determines that I am everything but the ideal ,
the archangel of archetypes and media developed norms.
I am beautiful because hailstorm of critiques only serve
to polish the soul I've developed through constant suffering.
I am the midnight flower blossoming most radiantly despite the dark dark hour.

I am beautiful.

I am powerful despite the attempted restraint of a thousand superior voices, powerful like the sun beating down to shine through the darkest corners of greed and contempt.

Powerful is not solely brute strength and force,
powerful blows can be felt by a single word, a gaze,
a stand for those who can't withstand the status quo.
I am powerful because I declare it for myself, in the face of adversity and resistance to change.

I am powerful.

I am valuable because I am told that I'm not.
because they tell me that worth is dependent on those who have no right to determine such things, bartering away souls and heartbeats
like simple commodities.
valuable because I have the anatomy of the so called "weaker sex". I am valuable because I had my virginity stolen from me at the age of six in a sordid attempt to lower my worth,
batter me senseless into submission of my fate
. I am valuable because I carry the weight of contradictions ,
building strength from dragging along the sorrow of a broken world .
I am valuable because I know my life is worth more than a thousand words,
and despite their "best intentions" I have no obligation society.

I am Valuable.

I know that That definitions of beauty value and power are merely screwed up constructs of a society designed for the mentality of divide and conquer, of control dominance and pain. and despite the attempts to tell me otherwise,

I am Beautiful,

I am Valuable

And I am powerful.



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