mind games

His eyes. His eyes.
His gentle touch.
When he looked at me
And didn't say much
But his heart spoke through his smile;
It radiated from between his teeth
Bounced off his lips
And into my chest
To melt away the ice
That formed in my vacant heart.

Yes, he broke down the barriers
No other man could
He saw a part of me
No other man should
Cause he got to me,
Got through to me and
Gripped me so tightly
I couldn't catch my breath

For I stumbled and fell
To fall
In love
With him,
For him,
To him, I was everything
But even that
Wasn't enough
To keep us together
Cause even love
Has a price to pay
A sacrifice
I wasn't willing to make
Not now, not ever
Say goodbye to forever
And hello to
An empty bed,
A broken promise,
And nothing but
His voice
Inside my head.


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