Corpses Pull Triggers


United States
28° 36' 4.8348" N, 81° 12' 3.3444" W

Execute the murderer from next door
Praise the one you sent to war
Who stormed into another's home
Leaving behind blood and bones
For missions so vague or superficial
Must be something political
So put down that book
And take this shiny new gun
Because weak, we cannot look
And serving your country is fun
Take orders to kill on sight
With great displays of might
So bomb and set aflame
And piss on bodies with no shame
A hero in the States
And then Death incarnate
Our kids wish for toys and dollar bills
Others pray for a mom and dad
After soldiers came over their hill
Think those kids will grow up mad?
And we wonder how terrorists became so crazed
Probably because their family died in a gunfire haze
And soldiers we continue to send
This bloody cycle will never end


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