The World We Live In

Sun, 10/14/2012 - 00:42 -- Teaikia


United States
35° 14' 31.0128" N, 91° 39' 41.382" W

The riches and wonders that we all share
Is nothing more than an image to stare
Although its beauty may catch some eyes
Most just pass it by
But in the world we see
Things are not what they seem

Even though the trees appear as lifeless things
It has a soul bigger than roots in between
And even though the waterfalls around the world are just falling
The gush when it lands is above all
And each strand of grass that we walk on each day
Is a strand in the universe
Bigger in every way

But in the world we live in
These things mean nothing
They are just objects
Waiting to be made into money
Their souls are dead
And their lives are worthless
But what does that mean to man?

In the world we live in
Man is nothing but a greedy man
Willing to kill and have that on his hands
But when there is nothing else for man to kill
He will keep devouring

But in the world we live in
Things are not as they seem
As man harms himself
Taking away things that have gone unseen
Nature will blossom
‘Cause it’s always green

While man will struggle for one last dime
Nature will succeed
Due to its purest mind
When man destroys everything
Including itself
The riches and wonders we all share
The things that seem like nothing
Will stay


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