
Perfection, as stated in the Advanced English Dictionary,

Is the state of being without a flaw or defect.

I see no error in the definition, yet the idea of perfection is challenged.

It is said that that's what it is, a mere idea, and the concept of

Perfection simply does not exist. So, what it is reduced to is that every

Straight line is a little crooked, every circle is slightly ellipse, and

Every picture has a little color outside of the lines. So if there is no

 Such thing as being without flaw, what could possibly make

Me flawless? Trying to be the closest thing to it. I'm flawless because

 I strive to be the best at everything I do. I set the bar high

And expect nothing less than perfect in every situation. I go

 In strong and come out stronger, enhancing my attributes

And diminishing my flaws until all that's visible is my true self. I

Am content with me and my capabilities. In my eyes, I

Am the most perfect human being I know. When I look in the mirror,

I see perfection personified. I see flawlessness.


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