Empty Mirror

Lost inside a feeling
Produced by the moment 
Deep inside the locked gates
Rests a solemn sole
Who for a moment lost her wits 
And dove too deep 
Reached too far inside 
an enclosed envelope 
Sent to her by
Danger and Excitement 
Pins and needles 
adrenaline and fear 
an entirely unknown 
boundary was crossed
Just one more stripe 
One more blast of color
One more cut 
Look at those imperfections
Fix them 
Fill them 
Make them better
Look into the empty mirror 
Disgust followed by hate 
Too pale
Bite the cap off the Sharpie 
Fill in the blank space
Black lines up and down her face
Impulsive doings
Do it again 
Red Marker, fill in the features 
Mark it, Destroy it 
With Words 
Blue Marker, Label it 
Worthless, Useless and Alone
Written on her face
Make the pain Visible 
Cut the Wrist 
Make it bleed 
And the crimson blood gush 
Smear it on your new creation
Is the suffering real enough now?
Can you accept me now?
Now can I accept myself? 



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