What God Intended.

Ever since chidlhood, we've been told to do what makes us happy.

Ever sicne childhood, we were encouraged to dress a certain way,

act a certain way,

talk a certain way,

behave a certain way.

But, we were still told that no matter what, our parents would love us,

nurture us,

protect us,

support us.

Until you decide you dont want to play with barbies, you want to play with trucks.

You want to wear baseball caps,

you want to cut off all your hair,

you want to play sports considered for men rather than women. 

Until you decide you dont want to play with trucks, you want to play with barbies.

You want to wear make-up,

you want to wear a dress,

you want to wear heels.

Those same people who promised to love you, nurture you, protect you, support you,

they become people you never knew.

They become strangers, that you pass everyday walking out of the house.

They tell you that you're going to hell,

that God didnt intend for you to be that way.

Then when you die, because you cant take the heartache their words have caused you,

they claim to have loved you,

claimed to have supported you. 

And everyone believes the smoke thats blowing out of their mouth, with their empty eyes and their empty smiles.

Because they too, told you the same thing.

A room full of people, standing over a coffin, with just a child laying in the middle, 

dressed how their parents wanted them to be dressed.

No matter that they preferred to wear tuxes over dresses.

No matter that they preferred to wear dresses over tuxes.

Because they didnt care how you felt about it,

That's what God inteneded you to look like.
