

United States
40° 47' 56.0652" N, 74° 11' 18.8988" W

Alexandra gets off her bed. "Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe!" She shouts. Her ear splitting laugh, makes
me take a step back. "Joe," says Alexandra, is an electrician who lives out of state.

My significant other and I acconmpany Alexandra to the day room. We sit at a table. I am extremely uncomfortable. I stare out of the window, counting the minutes before we can leave. Alexandra is off on another subject, explaining how difficult travel is.

"You make the arrangements," she says, counting on her fingers. "Then you pack and get the tickets. When you're on the plane or train, you sit back in your seat and take a breath."

I glance around at the other people at the tables. One man is eating, but says nothing to his seat mates. One woman leaves her seat to retrieve a crossword puzzle book. I feel like I'm in suspended animation. These folks resemble cartoon characters waiting for death.

Alexandra prattles on about marriage, children, and friendship. Steve and I try to join the conversation, but it is hard to follow, as our friend is making no sense. I restrain myself. I grip my face to keep from opening my mouth and letting it rip.

Steve nods to me. We stand. Alexandra, hugs me fiercely. When we are outside, I take in huge gulps of air. Seve looks like he's about to cry, which is unusual for him. "I don't feel well," I mumble.

If being in that place for half an hour freaked us out, imagine what it must be like for Alexandra.


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