Dark Prince
From the beginning of time, He, the Almighty Dark Prince was inevitable in his PRIME. So smooth, swift, severe, and sincere, This Royal Dark Prince brightens the life of anyone whom appears.. He is the limelight of all authority, Eager to learn opposed to the failed MAJORITY... His maturity level soars beyond his age, As he disregards the ignorance of peasants in filthy rage.... Able and Willing to struggle, maintain, and survive thru his journey, He exemplifies his strength asserting that he, the Dark Prince, is WORTHY..... In peace he arrives, paying homage to royalty of his kind with a salute, His admirable respect for his King is loyal and unconditionally the "TRUTH"..... This Dark Prince needs TRUTH at any given time, His Superiors carry the burdens that were difficult to decline...... Spiritual, independent and in-tune with reality, Meanwhile showing his King his true INDIVIDUALITY.......