Hearken to the reed flute and its complaint, how it laments its sorry state
In anguish it groans in melodious strain
"Out of the depths I cry to you. I cry to you O Lord!
Through my fault
Through my fault
Through my most grevious fault
Begotten not made
Consubstantial with the Father
Through Him all things were made
For us men and for our salvation
For the sake of his sorrowful passion
He suffered death and was buried
For thine is the Kingdom
When the melancholy fit shall fall
For thine is the power
My God, my God
And thine is the glory
To the Father
To the Son
To the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning
Sometimes it causes me to tremble
O bleeding head so wounded
Reviled and put to scorn
Soul of my saviour
Sanctify my breast
Body of Christ
Be thou my saving guest
Blood of my saviour
Bathe me in thy tide
Wash me ye waters
Gushing from His side
Deep in your wounds
Hide and shelter me
So that I may never
Never part from thee
Is now and ever shall be
World without end
To sail that Sea Divine
Let me die lest I not see Your Face."