They say she laughs too much
Her red lipstick is smeared and she doesn't play nice
Torments of sneers pass her in school halls
She hides falling tears down her rosy cheeks
And holds tight to her sci fi books
Not appealing, act more like a girl
Straighten you hair and smile at boys
Don't threaten men and don't whine
For being accepted counts more than your mind
Loving one's self defines respect
Accepting her curvy lines and nerdy vibes
She speaks for her creative mind
And beautifully expresses true beauty
Of a bare face and charity shop clothing
Encouraging girls it's okay, take time
Although disapproving strangers do shame
She holds her head high and smiles so bright
But baby she's flawless
She intimadates girls who live to please men
Because ignorance is sometimes her best friend
Having no flaws, she talks to her mom
About stories of love and feminist wishes
Dancing in her room at sundown
Whisps of copper hair in her bright eyes
She pauses and whispers,
"I don't need to be like them, not all."