Hi I'm Depression.

Hi I'm depression.I'm going to take over your life, break your friendships, distance you from your family, make you hate yourself, turn your world black, make you wish you were dead, bring you scars, cause you pain, make you feel worthless, take away all your hope, destroy even the idea of happiness, force you to push away everyone you've ever loved, make you go insane, eat away at you until there's nothing left but the darkness inside your head.
Oh and remember: you can try to get away. You can run till your feet ache and your legs fall out from beneath you, but i will always catch up. There is no escape.
I will make you lose Faith.
I will be your guide to suicide and you will need someone to keep you safe.
No ones here to keep you safe, so i will help you drift away.
Remember suicide is the only way...



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If You Need Support

If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741