Behind a thick and icy wall
There shines a blinding light.
The wall was built to shut it out.
For some, it is too bright.
The light longs to embrace itself-
Its brightness to display;
Yet knowing that it irritates,
It longs to fade away.
The walls are words and thoughts of men,
The light- intensity.
Opinions block and hamper the
Intensity of me.
I speak with force and energy,
My words are sharp and true.
My dark and penetrating eyes
Will instantly see through.
I do not mean to cause offense
Or one to misconstrue;
But any who encounter me
Inevitable do.
I hear what other people say
Observing cautiously.
The person they conclude I am,
I don’t intend to be.
The strength grows tall inside of me,
My soul is like the soil.
My nature - still misunderstood,
The people all recoil.
I try to dim the light inside
To please the ones who stare.
Yet when I try to dim my light
I feel the lies I wear.
My light is blinding others eyes;
I’m too intense and free.
Yet changing who I really am
Is too intense for me.
The walls of thoughts confining me
Are shaming me to hide;
Yet nullifying who I am
Is shaming me inside.
Should I deny my real true self
And dim my blinding light?
Exchanging truth for tolerance-
Would rejecting me be right?
Or to myself should I be true
And proudly shine for all?
Unashamed and unabashed
Regardless of the wall.
To know that others disapprove
With no way to atone,
I stand reproached, I stand condemned,
It’s hard to stand alone.
But I cannot deny my light
And change to please the few.
And I cannot repress the strength
That I was born into.
I have to do the hardest thing
And rise above the wall,
Though others think these things of me
They will not make me fall.
This light is mine-was born in me,
I have to let it shine.
Intensity is who I am,
It’s part of my design.
Although I stand alone and judged
And no one understands,
I will not let them blot me out
Or change for their demands.
My light is not too bright for me.
Intensity is fun!
My differences are not a cause
To change for anyone.
Perhaps my light will blind the world,
Or maybe help them see
That life should not be dimly lit-
It needs complexity.
And maybe I can shed some light
On others in the dark,
Who build up walls to shut out light
With one heedless remark.
My spirit’s strong intensity,
At some point I will need.
When life is hard and life gets dark,
The light will intercede.
I like to think that someday soon
I’ll meet someone like me.
And we can shine together then-
Combined intensity.